notes for 0.1a.4 pre-release alpha

Jan 14, 2009 20:18

DOWNLOAD (this is pre-release alpha software and probably has bugs. it is provided as-is--be careful and use it at your own risk.)

  • fixes error when attempting to post an entry with no tags
  • reformatted client version string sent to the LJ server

  • requires OS X 10.5
  • only supports LiveJournal, GreatestJournal, Blurty, DeadJournal, and InsaneJournal; only tested with LiveJournal and InsaneJournal so far (please let me know if you want it to work on others and/or if you try it on GJ, Blurty, or DJ)
  • passwords must be saved into the keychain (no way to require password to be entered every time); there are probably lots of keychain scripting warning allow/deny dialogs that show up
  • "edit" button for editing accounts may not work properly
  • "delete" button for deleting accounts may not work properly [accounts can be deleted from your keychain using the "Keychain Access" application and looking for keys that contain "asLJ"]
  • error messages are strange or nonexistent.
  • it's kinda slow
  • it doesn't cache your userpics or the moods, so it does a lot of communicating with the server
  • mood list and previously-used tags lists are unsorted
  • there's no means of saving/loading drafts or entries


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