Current users can use the "Check for Updates..." menu item under the "asLJ" menu to get this update.
DOWNLOAD (This is beta software-while asLJ has undergone years of testing, it may contain bugs with unpredictable results, and is provided as-is. Use with caution and at your own risk.)
- new icon
- entry body fills more of the window
- nearly all interactions with the server are asynchronous, with status reported in the bar at the bottom of the screen
- all the entry options that are in the "drawer" attached to the entry window are now also available as floating pallets that can be docked to the edge of the screen, docked together, collapsed, etc.
- the past entry calendar is now a separate window, not attached to a particular past entry window
- the window title of new entries changes from "untitled" to the subject line, once there is one
- both delete keys will now remove a tag from the list of tags when composing a new entry
- in the entry body, shift+tab moves the focus back to the subject line
- the cache of known moods for each server has been removed from the preferences file and put into its own cache file
- userpics are now cached as individual files inside the application's cache folder
- Scribbld has been changed from .net to .com
- numerous bugfixes