May 26, 2007 23:42
Bodies turn pink when they've been exposed to carbon monoxide or extreme cold temperatures
If you put dry ice in a toilet, it'll explode
They can get fingerprints off of anything
You can use laundry detergent to get a shriveled finger back to elasticity (oh wait... i learned that one from BONES)
You can get results for any test you need (dna, fingerprints, trace... ) in less than forty-five minutes
If you have to pee, don't do it at the crime scene
Gil Grissom is quite possibly the strangest man ever
...and the most important thing... no matter how much I watch of the original show, i still want more
::EDIT:: 6/1/07
be very wary if gil grissom ever asks you to do anything
once you're dead, the electricity immediately stops working. why else would they always use flashlights instead of turning on a damned light?
fountain is not spelled funtain
sometimes, you don't always get your man.