May 13, 2008 08:10
Hey yall.
Back in teh op. is a grand ole time.
After stressing so hard about moving all my stuff on saturday night, it was easy and took less than 20 mins. I got home on sunday and just kind of chilled with the fambly and went to bed all early-like.
i started work yesterday (monday) with bovis again. like i said, or may not have said, i cant even remember what i post here anymore, im not on trump - theyve put me on a smaller project like i asked, so i work in the main office which is just west of the loop - its on wacker and madison, so right on the river. its actually pretty close to the ogilvie transportation center, so i just take the metra instead of the el. which is SO much better. im not sure i will ever take the el downtown again. well, thats probably not true since metra doesnt really go anywhere else and doesnt run very late BUT - its sooo much faster and cleaner and its ON TIME!!! is it to be believed!? yes. its like the regional bahn or even regional express to the el's s-bahn-ness.
well now im all unpacked and junk at home and ive moved into my sister's room, which has a nice big bed and a door, so im set. i need to go shopping for some new work clothes :D and shoes. i need some shoes.
that all being said - i miss john :( its been, what, one full day without him? whatever, after spending a bunch of weeks straight with him, it makes sense. i will be seeing him after work so i am very ready for five oclock.