Writer's Block: By Any Other Name

Jul 17, 2007 17:40

            Alex reached forward to touch her elbow and as he began to walk up the stairs, he paused and said quietly, “Thank you, Hallie Ziro.”

“Just doing my job, Alexander Sarjio,” she answered tiredly and then she laughed softly. “I see things falling out of the sky, golden feathers and black arrows bleeding ink and paper covering the city. Zair in the ocean, a terrible storm, and a fire that consumes everyone. It’s the downfall of seeing things most people don’t see: I can’t stop myself from dreaming and seeing. For once, I want to see something worth seeing again.”

So, I fell out of love with my Falcon. He's the pessimism in the world, whereas I suppose when I wrote Hallie's vision I was thinking of myself (and the plot in Book 3). I see so many terrible things, I want to see something worth seeing again.

What was the question again?

That's right. I would change my name to Aslera because I like Fiddle. Because I love Fiddle. And I'm happily in love with that name. It has a lovely ring to it. Az-lair-ah or Ahs (Ass with a british accent) lair ah.

Anyways, long rambling rant. Going back to writing book 3 again.

rename me, writer's block

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