Aug 22, 2005 08:01
Today i resumed my somber duty to school which point in fact it pisses me off that i have to. as i was driving down from my humble adobe 30 minuetes north of school listening to tribal music. i was glancing around and i saw the mist/fog had yet to dissapate it was mystifing yet alluring as well as deadly when you are going 70 mph and cant see the broad side of a barn if you ran into the damn thing. so yea there that.
then last night my buddy brent and his girlfrined amy showed up on my doorstep with one of amy friends by the name of shannon stating that they were bored and we should hang out. meh okay so i did little did i know brent and amy were attempting to hook me up with shannon... damn them! me and shannon talked for a bit and we seem to got a long okay so who know well see where it goes.
then there case... i dont know what to do with her now. she mocks me so much these days that it funny. but she also sent me a warning this past few months that if i talked to another girl she would never be around to talk to me again.... that hurts i would have hoped that our friendship would prevent such a disatours outcome... yikes never a good sign plus she still has feelings for me but i have none for her we get along great and dandy with our few problems here and there. yet i feel no attraction to her but i have no problem being her friend. is this wrong of me?
more later