Rappan Athuk part 2

May 26, 2014 12:00

Good thing I took notes on game day, which was two weekends ago. Let's hope I didn't miss anything major. (You should know that my character, Marika, often gets distracted and has to go nurse the baby play with baby goats.)

At the end of part 1 of Rappan Athuk we had explored around in the dark tunnels of the dungeon a bit, and then stumbled into a bunch of bad guys! Yikes. There was a group of three humans, three orcs, and an orc leader named Jack. They pushed over the tables they were standing at, the better to have cover while shooting arrows at us.

Firstly, our friend Bubbles the wizard cast Mage Armor on himself, which was another hint that he's a bit more badass than he lets on. Meanwhile, the rest of us generally flailed around and acted as comic relief, because we could barely hit the broad side of a barn. Silverhammer the Bard attacked one of the orcs and barely nicked him with his sword; Twila the Orc fighter tried to hit an orc and missed, only just barely avoiding dropping her sword altogether. Luckily the leader of the bad guys was not having much luck either, and missed Twila when he aimed his bow. Also luckily, Marvin the Dwarf summoned a R.O.U.S. to help us out.

Ying Ling the monk and the ROUS flanked the orcs and both missed, miserably. I tried to hit them with my elemental ray and ALSO missed. Like I said, lots of comical flailing about. At this point, Bubbles rolled his eyes at us and cast a cobweb spell to ensnare two of the humans we were fighting. This emboldened Marvin, who ran up to one of the orcs and killed him dead, and Silverhammer, who smashed the other orc pretty good. Poor Twila was still suffering from nerves and again barely avoided dropping her weapon after missing an attack. Ying Ling pulled herself together and launched FLURRY OF BLOWS and messed up one orc and killed the other orc!

After more flailing around, I caught one of the humans as he escaped the cobwebs, and killed him with my elemental ray, and Bubbles unleashed some kind of furious firespell at the other guy in the web, who burnt to a crisp. At long last, Twila got her act together and killed Jack, emptying the room!

In the aftermath of the battle, Ying Ling noticed a cunning lock on one of the barrels of the tables, and inside found a small crystal bottle of magic liquid. We had no idea what it was, but planned to take it back to the Necromancer in town to ask him. We also looted the corpses and found them to be carrying about 1200 gold pieces worth of necklaces and rings and other loot. At around this time, Ying Ling puked, and was thus purged of the constitution-sapping poison that had been plaguing her.

But wouldn't you know, we spotted another one of those pesky "different" bricks in the wall. Despite Marvin calling for us to bed down and sleep for the night, so he could study some more spells, we decided to push the brick and see what we could see...

And inside we found a glittering, golden sarcophagus, lit from above by a shaft of light through a narrow gap in the ceiling. A pod of four zombies sprang to life, defending the sarcophagus!

We had forgotten to do any healing after the last battle, so first order of business was Marvin healing Twila, who had taken the brunt of the attacks during the last skirmish. We formed up ranks in the larger room, rather than rushing in to meet the zombies, because we didn't want to get crowded into a small space and lose room for maneuvering. We were all ready for the battle, when suddenly Bubbles cast a fireball spell into the small room with the sarcophagus and the zombies in it, and all four burnt to death in a sudden, explosive conflagration. He's a handy guy to have around.

Ying Ling noticed the sarcophagus wasn't sealed, simply held in place by the weight of the gold-leafed stone, so all together we strained to push it open. Inside lay a corpse with long white hair. Filmy pieces of parchment were draped over it at the neck, the legs and across the belly, with strange writing on it. We couldn't read it but guessed it was some kind of spell holding it in place. We got greedy though, because we could see there was some serious loot hiding underneath it. So we hid in the next room, in case it was rigged to explode, and asked our friend Bubbles to tear the paper. The eyes of the corpse began to glow, and a high pitched scream erupted from it, which laid Bubbles flat out on the ground, unresponsive. It arose, clothing itself in rotting, putrid flesh: a wight, come to kill us all. Or failing that, recruit us to the dark side, presumably. Marvin recognized it immediately, and informed us that if he kills us, we will turn into wights, too. And he can suck life out of you.

Marvin was so scared that he cast a burst of love juice over us all, and everyone was healed up completely (except for poor Bubbles, of course, hopefully we can revive him later), and the wight was hurt by the healing love juice too, which was interesting. The wight floated over to Twila, and barely missed hitting her. Twila had luck hitting him back with her weapon, which was made of iron, but Ying Ling couldn't hit it with her fists at all. My elemental ray made contact, too. It seems that metal and magic are the only ways to hit him.

Just as we were figuring this out, the wight floated over to Ying Ling, and perhaps in retribution for her attempt to hit him with mere flesh, the wight sucked life out of her! Ying Ling lost an entire level!! She ran away to cower in another part of the dungeon, weakened and despondent. My temper flared up and I hit the wight with my elemental ray and killed him! My biggest triumph of the night.

Not so triumphant was our friend Ying Ling, who was extremely bitter about losing a level. Instead of her usual kindly nature and selfless attitude, she suddenly started acting selfish, getting snappy and kind of sarcastic about everything. We felt bad but didn't think there was anything we could do. However, we turned to the treasure, where there were a few consolations for our troubles. In addition to 1200 gold pieces, we found some magic books we decided to give to Bubbles when he woke up, a super fancy dwarven magic belt for Marvin, a Staff of Draelion for Ying Ling (she immediately started talking to it, almost as if it was talking back to her, and they seemed to have entire conversations about how awesome they were and how awful the rest of us were in comparison), and a Periapt of Health (a beautiful blue gemstone necklace) for our bard friend Silverhammer, though Twila tried to convince him that maybe he should hand it over to her (no dice).

Then, just as we were about to bed down in that tiny room for the night, someone perceived a door in the wall behind the sarcophagus. It had glittery writing on it, reading SAFE SAFE SAFE SAFE, and we gratefully fell into the safe room in there. We had heard about these rooms from some of the materials our (kidnapped) teacher Tattersall left behind: once you light the fire in the middle you are safe in that room, no enemies can enter. So, quite fatigued, we lay down to rest at last.

Part three will come in late June! Can't wait.


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