okay so this is why I tend to spend more time writing stuff on the Internet than doing schoolwork. which I've been beating myself up about but also feeling conflicted because...
yesterday I made
this video/post criticizing college disability services and I got I think one email and two youtube messages of people (I mean, not strangers, but not people I know super well) sending descriptions of their horrible disability services experiences. I went to a screening for my class and when I got back my tumblr post about that post has 20 notes and someone else's tumblr post about it has 37.
I know this isn't really a lot in the grand scheme of things, but it feels like a lot and it's super cool, both in terms of "wow! someone is paying attention to me on the Internet!" and also more admirable feelings like, "it's depressing, but also cool to know that I'm not the only person who has had certain experiences, and that I said/wrote something that resonated with people."
the problem with this stuff is just that it feels way more important than doing schoolwork because when you do school work you just do it to get by and no one is really interested to read or think about what you did, you know? I've never been all that good at school. But when I do things like this, it seems like it's actually useful, and people actually care. It makes me happy but I'm sure it's really bad for my brain.