finish "bird brains" maybe, which was this disability zine thing I was working on
I kind of want to start a disability zine distro but that won't happen
probably start the Autistic Passing Project story collection
record a bunch of music and make these weird music videos. specifically I want to do a video for every song I record and each video will just be a sort of mildly creepy video of me singing/playing the song and one of my friends doing something weird in the background, I think it could be really cool. this is my first (very low-tech, unfinished song) attempt:
Click to view
start wearing more makeup and possibly dye my hair blond (I know this is a hilarious resolution, but it's going to look really cool, and I guess I could do it over a long period of time)
write a guide to doing self-advocacy in college, but I'm not going to write about how to work with disability services because that is a BUST. it also won't be super college-specific. but, I just want to talk about getting stuff that you need in any possible way, and I want to talk about how to feel okay with asking for things, or being manipulative in the service of getting what you need. like, not feeling guilty, etc.
I bought a thomas the tank engine calendar so I can plan my life better, LOL