
Jan 20, 2005 15:06

Ohhkk..soo yeah neily talked to me about this...'n yeah i was over the whole dress thing a long time ago...thats not what this fight is aboutt... the gay fight is about people talking about me..all the time... 'n saying you don't want me to go to prom! Yeah I'm over itt...soo yeah 'n i talked to neily about it..'n i hope you guys are over it too...but if you ever decide to talk about me just say it to me..cuz yeahhh there is nooo point... cuz i'm gonna find out from someone... The only thing i ever said about you guys is that i hate you but usually you say that out of anger..sooo yeah I don't ever talk about you guys cuz..its kinda hard to talk about someone when you don't know them. Yeah soo this entry isn't suppose to piss anyone off but i just want everyone to know just to say it to me... 'n i never said anything about youu... If you really don't want me to go to prom that bad then whatever... but don't say shit behind my backk... SOoo i'm sorry about this shit 'n everythingg...but just don't comment if its gonna be something about this entry cuz..i'm not mad anymore 'n idc about this whole fight its gayy...'n pretty immature... 'n nooo i'm not blaming it all on one person or even on the Junior was everyone. I know you guys don't want us to go, but you guys are gonna have to deal with it.. 'n either have fun at prom or not. Sooo I hope you guys can put this behind you...'n at least try to talk to me... 'n see that i'm not a bitch 'n that i don't talk about you guys... but yeahhh...if you don't then thats finee... just please don't talk about me behind my back it kinda hurts 'n i'm sure neily know's how i feel... I didn't think anyone would sink to the level of making fun of peoples looks, or anything but yeahh..i guess girls are gonna be girls...'n neily i'm sorry about Whoever wrote that in the bathroom, but i swear on my life that it wasn't me...


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