(no subject)

Sep 15, 2008 10:18

I applied at Planet Fitness and got the job.
My hours are going to be M-F 5am to 9:30 am at Planet Fitness Leominster. Its going to suck having to wake up at 4am every day but i'll be getting another $200 a week and i wont have to work nights or weekends. I'll be able to stay at the three babysitting houses that i have now which gives me time to do homework and my day will end at 6 every night. Also, now i am back on the books (with taxes and such) so i will be getting a tax return and i can also apply for a loan and stuff if i need one, if my car ever dies. haha.

its going to suck and i'm going to be exhausted but i'll have some time to nap during the day and i will be able to go to bed early. and hey, isnt that what being a college student is all about? being tired and struggling?! haha, yep.

Monday: Planet 5-9:30. ExSc 11-12:15 American Art 12:30-1:45.
Tuesday: Planet 5-8:45. Math 9:30-10:45. Anatomy 11-12:15 Babysitting 1-5:30.
Wednesdays: Planet 5-9:30. ExSc 11-12:15 American Art 12:30-1:45 Babysitting 3-6;another babysitting 6:30-8:30.
Thursday: Planet 5-8:45. Math 9:30-10:45. Anatomy 11-12:15 Babysitting 1-5:30.
Friday: Planet 5-9:30. Anatomy Lab 10:30-12:20. babysitting 3-6.
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