And we'd wake up in a perfect place [Perfect place]

Jan 31, 2009 19:46

[What are you passionate about?]

Football. There’s not much in Tim Riggins’ life he loves more than football. He told an ESPN reporter once that he just liked to hurt people and sometimes, that’s true but it’s more than that. It’s the way he feels when he’s out there on the football field. He’s not a fuck up out there. With that ball, those hundred yards and the people out there that play the game, he’s a super hero. On that field and only on that field, Tim Riggins is everything he’s ever wanted to be. There aren’t many other places, other moments or other people he can say that about.

At one time he would have said Lyla Garrity but these days it’s more about what’s he’s not, what he’s never gonna be than what he wants to be. At one time he would have said Jason Street, but since the accident, since Timmy fucked up beyond belief, there aren’t any perfect moments between Tim and Jason.

That just leaves football but when he’s out there on a Friday night, lights nearly blinding and the crowd all screaming for him, that’s really all Tim needs to be perfect.

[season] 3, [prompt] on the couch

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