[OOC] Beyond the Rift: Application

Jan 06, 2011 00:10

Name: Remus John Lupin
Age/Birthdate: 23/March 10, 1960
Species: Human/Werewolf
Canon: Harry Potter
*Pre-existing powers: Magic, of the HP-universe style (i.e., needs a wand and a spell to do most things [not necessarily out loud; while Remus has not mastered non-verbal spells he is very capable with them], although occasionally strong emotion can lead to unexpected magic). He is also a werewolf; he transforms one day a month, and loses his mind completely to the wolf when he does.
*Rift Change, if applicable: The Rift has given Remus perfect spatial memory -- when he goes somewhere, his mind maps it out as clearly as if it was on paper. While he does not have to be paying close attention for it to work -- it will happen without his realizing it -- he has to be conscious, and if he is severely disoriented for some reason (drugged, panicked, etc) his mind will not retain the information, though he'll still have a better chance of remembering than he would without it.
Livejournal: askthemoon
Played By: Jamie Bell
Icon: http://l-userpic.livejournal.com/106414688/32598638

Appearance: Remus looks somewhat unhealthy, but otherwise average -- not unattractive, but not particularly noteworthy either, average height, and extremely thin, more than is healthy. Though he has many scars, ranging from almost so faded they're invisible to still healing, very few of them are regularly visible; most are hidden under clothing, and in order to do so he covers as much of his body as possible at all times. His clothing is shabby, worn and usually second-hand.

Personality: Remus is not as self-aware as he believes himself to be. He doesn't believe himself to be particularly brave, and considers his loyalty to be somehow less than his friends, because it was born as much out of a desire to keep friends as anything else; the work he did for the Order and the lengths he would have gone to for the Marauders if ever asked, though not brushed off exactly, he considers unworthy of remark. He believes he hasn't changed much since his school days, but the truth is the bitterness and anger that's almost constantly there were only present on rare occasions before losing everybody and everything. He believes that he's learned how dangerous it is to trust people completely, but the truth is, if he had the chance to have the friendships he had back, he would take them without hesitation.

Though he'd never admit to quite how deeply, Remus is in mourning -- for his friends, for his parents, for losing the hopes he had at Hogwarts for his future -- and it's led to him becoming much less rational than he used to be. In his school years, Remus was the cautious one of his friends -- not to say that he didn't cause as much mischief as the other three, but he was much better at not getting caught. Though still as intelligent as ever, Remus has stopped caring quite as much; he no longer tries to hide it when he does things wrong, and he's stopped picking his battles quite as carefully, more likely to respond to insults and open suspicion with anger than he is to ignore it as he used to.

He is still as quiet as ever, though shy has not been the right description for him since he was eleven, and keeps his secrets to himself when he's not required to do otherwise. Learning is one of the few joys left to him, and when he gets the chance to show it, he's a natural teacher. To strangers who have given him no reason to be angry, he's polite and kind and will do what he can to be helpful. The desire to be liked has never left him, especially now that he's alone, and Remus will go far to keep people who like him from changing their mind -- for those who consider him friends, he will do anything, go anywhere, and keep quiet any objections he may have.

History: Born in a small and largely wizarding village near Lancashire, Remus' earliest years were quiet and pleasant. Though both his parents were magical, the majority of his family were not, and his parents were careful to teach Remus about Muggle culture and technology. Until Remus was five, they were a happy and unremarkable family; but when his father angered Fenrir Greyback, a feral and dangerous werewolf, the Lupins' peace soon ended. Remus was bitten, becoming a werewolf. For the next six years, Remus was kept isolated from a village that feared him as his parents spent all their time and money trying to find a cure, though it was made clear to them that a cure was unlikely, perhaps impossible. On full moons, he was taken to the Ministry to be locked up, for his own safety as well as everyone's around him. It was difficult, and painful, and as he began getting older, the understanding that it was unlikely to ever be different made it all the worse.

Until Albus Dumbledore became Headmaster of Hogwarts, and decided that Remus could attend after all. Even with the frequent visits and long discussions of precautions that would be taken, Remus didn't entirely believe it would happen until he was on the Hogwarts Express. His Sorting into Gryffindor -- Remus never did consider himself to be particularly brave, but apparently the Sorting Hat did -- and his roommates' quick acceptance of him continued the surprises. For the first time since being bitten, Remus had friends, and despite his monthly visits to the Shrieking Shack to transform, he was happy. When, in second year, his friends, James, Sirius and Peter, found out he was a werewolf and, far from shunning him for it as he expected, decided to attempt to become Animagi to accompany him during his transformations, the happiness only grew. In fifth year, the three succeeded, which was only the latest mischief to add to a very long list of things they'd done, and full moons became adventures, the three of them wandering and exploring Hogsmede and the Hogwarts ground; with their company, Remus had an easier time keeping his mind during transformations, and when he slipped, the others kept him in control. Despite his guilt for betraying Dumbledore's trust in him, the enjoyment of having friends, still strong and almost a novelty after five years, kept Remus from saying anything.

Though Remus' sixth year started pleasantly, with he and his friends, who referred to themselves as Marauders, spending most of their time making an enchanted map of the Hogwarts castle and grounds, the end slid from bad to worse quickly. Over Christmas holidays, Remus found out his mother was sick; in the early spring, Sirius played a prank on a rival of the Marauders, Severus Snape, that nearly ended in Remus killing the other boy, ending his friendship with Sirius temporarily and creating strain on his friendship with James and Peter; followed by notification of his mother's death in the late spring. For a time, Remus became even more withdrawn than was his nature, willingly staying away from his friends for the first summer since he'd begun at Hogwarts. Upon returning to Hogwarts for his seventh year, he discovered Sirius had run away from home and begun living with James; despite still being angry about the prank, he and Sirius tentatively repaired their friendship and things soon became close to normal again.

After Remus graduated from Hogwarts, things only continued downhill. Outside of Hogwarts, the looming threat of Voldemort and the war the Wizarding World had entered was hard to ignore, and since werewolves are considered dark creatures, Remus found himself under even more suspicion than he had been before. Only the members of the Order of the Phoenix, Dumbledore's group of fighters, treated him normally, and even some of them weren't entirely certain if he should be trusted. His father's death, six months after Remus left Hogwarts, left him with no family that he could rely on, as his wizarding relatives were as distrustful as the rest of the Wizarding World and his Muggle relatives too suspicious of his odd illness, and little money to fall back on, as his family had always been poor. He was required to disclose his condition to any employers in the Wizarding World, who refused to give him a job when they found out, and his lack of education and training made employment in the Muggle world difficult; the few times he managed to get hired, his frequent absences -- to heal after the full moon, and for Order business -- got him fired quickly. Dumbledore convinced him to take small payments for his work in the Order, but Remus wouldn't accept much, and it was only just enough to cover his needs. His unwillingness to admit to his friends how difficult he was finding it to stay on his feet, especially as it became clear how big a target Sirius and James both carried, made him become reclusive again; though he didn't realize it at the time, that made him become suspicious to even his friends. When James and his family went into hiding, Remus was not surprised to find out the Sirius was going to be the Secret-Keeper, and never expected he would be asked.

Finding out Sirius betrayed them, however, was a shock; the deaths of James, Lily and Peter shook Remus completely. He asked Dumbledore to take care of James' son, or at least be allowed to visit him, but Harry had already been placed in the custody of Lily's relatives -- against her wishes, but Dumbledore was insistent -- and Remus was told plainly that they would not be likely allow him near the boy. The death of Voldemort was small consolation on top of everything, especially as the end of the War did little to end the suspicions against Remus; without the money coming in from the Order, Remus lost his home a little more than a year later. Since then, Remus had managed small and mostly borderline illegal, if not fully so, jobs in the Wizarding World, and occasional jobs in the Muggle world, most of them lasting only a month or two before his condition got him fired. His transformations have been more difficult since leaving Hogwarts and needing to be locked up in the Ministry for full moons again, and now that he can't sneak away to run with the Marauders every couple of months it's been even worse. Three months ago, Remus managed to get hired at the Hogs Head, but being back in Hogsmede is, in a lot of ways, just as hard for him as living on the streets of London as he had been. Since he can't afford to quit and he doesn't expect the job to last much longer anyway, he's making all the money he can before he inevitably gets fired.

Writing Sample: It's quiet in the Hogs Head, which is how Remus prefers it, and how Aberforth seems to like it, even if less business means less money coming in. There are a few regulars who have been there since the afternoon, men who don't say much no matter how many hours they stay for. Remus should be wiping down things and getting ready to close, but Aberforth's never strict with his hours, especially when regulars are the only ones in the bar, and he doesn't seem to care much how clean his bar is.

Normally Remus does his best to take care of the place, but it's too close to the full moon, and he's tired and restless and sick of working. The side looks from the patrons that were there earlier had done nothing to help his mood; the reminder that his days are numbered, that as casual as Aberforth is about things, when word gets around that he's got a werewolf working there and it interferes with business, Remus will be out on the street before he can say please.

And eventually it will. Sometimes Remus curses himself for even trying to get work in Hogsmede; he never expected it to work out, and now it's going to jeopardize his best chance at a steady income.

"Firewhiskey." The quiet demand comes from the far right of the bar, and Remus checks his watch -- twenty minutes since the last one, right on time. At least the regulars are predictable, he thinks, as he gives the man his drink. They might not be clean, or trustworthy, or talkative, but they're consistent and easily pleased.

His life would be much easier, Remus reflects, if the rest of the world was that way, too.
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