Remember the previous post 'bout unfaithfulness and such, beings? Well guess what, i dreamt that B told me he still loves his exgirlfriend. HAHA paranoid much, i'd say. Been hearing too much of all these related issues until my brain decided to register it and portray it out while i was sleeping. Told him 'bout it and he totally laughed at my silliness. (He had to then reassure me also, what else?!)
GIRLS and their (neverending) problems, you might say.
Oh there's this small but ultra painful pimple planting near my upper lips. Ouuchhhh! :( I feel like getting a box of Nexcare, but 'm afraid it fails to work on me. You'd never know if you never try what.. Alright shall not be lazy and head to the mall later.
Holidays coming to an end, with attachment starting next week. Ultra major turn off!