Feb 16, 2006 17:23
Welcome to the 2006 edition of getting to know your friends. What you
are supposed to do is copy (not forward) this entire e-mail and paste it
onto a new e-mail that you'll send. Change all the answers so they apply to
you, and then send this to a whole bunch of people including the person who
sent it to you. Put your name in the subject line. The theory is that you
will learn a lot of little things about your friends, if you did not know
them already.
1. What time did you get up this morning? Which time? 6:30am, then again at 11:00am
2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds.
3. What was the last film you saw at the movies? Last night I saw "Imagine Me and You" It was great!
4. What is your favorite TV show(s)? ER, Law and Order(any), CSI LV or Miami, Las Vegas, Jeopardy
5. What did you have for breakfast? Breakfast? What is that?
6. What is your middle name? Lynn
7. What is your favorite cuisine? Italian, Chinese
8. What food do you dislike? Beef, pork, carrots
9. Your favorite potato chip? not a potato chip fan. I do like baked Doritos
10. What is your favorite CD at the moment? Ember Swift- Disarming
11. What kind of car do you drive? 97 Buick Skylark aka "Esmerelda"
12. Favorite sandwich? Turkey, etc from sacred grounds
13. What characteristics do you despise? People who are unkind, judgemental, meanies.
14. Favorite item of clothing? Jeans
15. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? to a live Volcano. hawaii maybe
16. What color is your bathroom? White
17. Favorite brand of clothing? I don't care
18. Where would you want to retire to? New England
19. Favorite time of day? Night time is the right time
20. Where were you born? Kingston, NY
21. Favorite sport to watch? Baseball, Football
22. Who do you least expect to send this back? Most of the people I send it to
23. Person you expect to send it back first? Stephanie maybe?
24. What laundry detergent do you use? Whatever is "free and clear" and on sale
25. Coke or Pepsi? Diet Pepsi with lime juice
26. Are you a morning person or night owl? NIGHT only
27. Do you have any pets? Sebastian, Max, and Alex. If I could, Edgar from the bar.
28. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with everyone? I'm a lesbian.
29. What did you want to be when you were little? Um I don't know. A singer/entertainer?
30. Favorite candy bar? Twix
31. What is your best childhood memory? Playing with my sisters, building our house, making forts in the bushes/woods
32. What are the different jobs you have had in your life? Oh my god you want me to list them all? Babysitter, stocker/register in a general store (several times over), Mickey D's worker, deli clerk (several times over), cook (several times over), switchboard, security, kid's counselor, dining reservations, administrative assistant, pr for "The Vagina Monologues", electrician (several...), sound board operator, light board operator, pyro technician, theater manager, children's theater director, theatrical designer, envelope-stuffer, appointment setter, teaching assistant, photographer, ambulance driver (volunteer), and the list goes on.....
33. What color underwear are you wearing? None hehee
34. Nicknames? Patinski, Pat
35. Piercing? Holes in my ears
36. Eye color? Brown
37. Ever been to Africa? No
38. Ever been toilet papering?yes
39. Love someone so much it made you cry? Yes
40. Been in a car accident? Yes
41. Croutons or Bacon Bits? croutons
42. Favorite day of the week? whenever I can sleep in late and go out late
43.! Favorite restaurant? Depends on the town I'm in. Here it's no frills grill.
44. Favorite flower? TigerLillies
45. Favorite ice cream? None.
46. Disney or Warner brothers? Disney
47. Favorite fast food restaurant? Taco smell or Wendy's
48. What color is your bedroom carpet? Beige
49. How many times did you fail your driver's test? Zero
50. Before this one, who did you get your last email from? Tammy I think
51. What store would you choose to max out your credit card? Barnes and Noble
52. What do you do when you are bored? Watch TV, Read, Talk on the phone, Look for a new job..
53. Bedtime? Whenever I get tired, usually around 2am
54. Who are you most curious about their responses to this questionnaire? I don’t know
56. What are you listening to right now? Traffic on Chesapeake
57. What is your favorite color? Purple
58. Lake, ocean or river? River
59. How many tattoos do you have? 3 so far
60. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? God