Nov 24, 2005 23:05
I used my computer all day and it was just fine. I brought it downstairs to a comfy chair, turned it on, and...
it's broken, or sick or something.
Sure, the one thing that I have of value craps out on me. It keeps me in touch with the world for those loooooooooong 12 hour days at work. Now what am I going to do in a dark room all by myself for hours on end? (LOL, I know).
I can't stop thinking about T. God, I really am in love with her. When we're together there's nothing better. She assures me that I am with her for good, and that S is temporary. She said she just needs time. She wants me to see all of her. I think she really means it and I do want to believe it, but I also just want her, and now.
Everyone says to just give her up but it is so hard. First of all, I'm not convinced that's what needs to happen. Plus, I'm crazy about her, as a lover and as a friend, and I don't want to let go.
I do have a lot to give thanks for today. I have a great job (at the moment) doing something I love to do. I live in a nice house with two cool roommates and two cats. I have a car. I have food in my belly. I have wonderful friends! My family loves me, though they don't always like me, or me them. My father is still relatively healthy (he starts chemo and radiation soon). I'm in okay health.
Still, I'm down today. It's early, 11pm, and I'm heading to bed. Goodnight LJ. Goodnight, world.