Birthday Weekend

Mar 13, 2006 18:54

Well, that sucked.
I've been very analytical the last few days, but spending all afternoon in front of a computer "training" has sucked all the life out of me.
I'd intended for some folks to come out friday with me, T. included, but the majority of my friends were going to join me Sunday night for birthday festivities.
How did it happen?
Friday night I had to work from 6-10 - orientation. On Friday T. cancelled cause of her and my work schedules (fine by me, I actually told her to stay home), we were only going to have a few hours together, and that's just not always worth the 1-hour drive. I went out by myself but did join a few people at the bar (L and B, new people). L and B are both people I've just met, but joined me cause I said I was celebrating. Well, the club was filled with weirdos - like, full-moon, where did these people come from weirdos. I felt uncomfortable and left earlier than usual.
Saturday I was at HD Orientation all day 8-6 then went home, had dinner, went to bed.
Sunday (my birthday) I was at orientation again at 8 am, then we (surprise!) got out early a bit after 1pm. I decided to drive a different way home. It ended up being shorter, who knew! It was a BEAUTIFUL day out, over 80 and sunny and breezy. I got home and roommate R invited me on a whale-watching trip. I took the plunge and spent some food money on it, I can always eat pb&j for a bit. It was wonderful! We were out on the boat for a bit over 2 hours, within about a mile of the shore the entire time. We saw 2 humpback whales, took a few pictures, and stood out in the sun on the ocean. It was cooler out there and just amazing. I am so glad I went! I got home and headed to HB's for the Sunday (free) buffet. The place which is usually packed was dead. I attribute it to the great weather! a new friend, Psycocoa, aka JP joined me. JP is deaf. She can't lipread and I can't sign, but we really wanted to meet in person! So, we brought pen and paper. Played some pool and some touch-computer games, and had fun. I think she'll be a great friend. She is funny, and cute, and cool. I found out how little I need words sometimes. Some things don't need more than a look....
After going home to lay my head down for 10 minutes (I'd been up since 6am) I headed out to R.C. club. One person called me ahead of time to say she couldn't make it. K (ex-roommate)showed, but late.
No one else came. To my birthday "party". That felt good.
I left early cause let's face it, I was tired and upset. Some friends they are!

I started at my HD store today, and tomorrow I go in again to do more computer-based training. That said I'm sick of looking at a screen! See y'all later.
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