Rome 2x01

Jan 17, 2007 03:51

  • Vorenus and Pullo: ...are so in love. Well, Pullo is painfully, painfully devoted to Vorenus. Seriously. "Caesar has invaded Rome!" And what does Pullo do? Go straight back to Rome to see Vorenus. And to put him back together. It doesn't help, of course, that Eirene is no sort of foil for Pullo, nor does her relationship with Pullo has anything close to the nuance of Pullo's with Vorenus. (And don't get me started on how they killed off Niobe, the only interesting non-aristocratic woman on the show, or we'll be here all day...)
    But! There was kissing, and pining, and standing by one's man. And bloodshed. Lots and lots of bloodshed. It takes so little to satisfy me. :D
  • The Julii: Go Octavia, for finally getting angry! She's irritating when she's petulant or morose.
    Julii Cooper's back! She didn't have anything in particular to do, but she's back and that's enough for now.
    Calpurnia! With one sentence, and without any theatrics a la Atia, she derailed Anthony. And she spit on Servilia! Excellent. (Which prolly means we won't see her ever again. *siiiigh*)
  • Octavian: I read somewhere in the New York Times that Michael Pirkis is going to be replaced by an older actor in the next few episodes, and I think that's sad because he is rocking this role: faint glimmers of his discomfiture and shame about his role in Caesar's death shine through, despite his words.
    But anyway: little scheming rat bastard! "You'll be wanting revenge, then." YES HE WILL. And I love it. Cannot wait to see how it goes down. (I'm dying to see when and how Agrippa, his own Pullo, shows up.)
  • "I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him": I'm quite glad that they didn't show the speeches, actually. They couldn't have used Shakespeare, and there is no way that Bruno Heller could come up with anything close.
I liked the reversal between Vorenus and Pullo: one's now the man with all ties cut loose, and one's about to become a family man. It'll be interesting to see how they cope.

I don't know how I felt about the episode. The pacing was uneven: a lot of events were sandwiched in this episode, I think, so as to get on with the events in this season, and that made the episode a bit wonky. Still, I can't wait for next Sunday.

And now for a complete change of pace: it has come to my attention that Access Hollywood has a bunch of preview clips for the next Heroes episode (scroll down). I cannot stop flailing from the cuteness of the last scene. *whoooooosh*

heroes, tv, rome

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