I just rilly rilly love HTML...

Dec 07, 2006 23:52

People, how could you not tell me that Heroes was so awesome? You're all fired. I'm only up to episode four, so no spoiling. Reaction posts forthcoming...

Anyway. Once again, it that day of the week that isn't Tuesday, and we have no Friday Night Lights, so I come bearing links.

1. Recs, recs, recs:
  • Friday Night Lights: A Little Bit of Paint-by-Numbers, by them0rgue (Matt, gen). He’s not like Landry, always ready with words of any kind. There’s not really an appropriate apology to give someone who will spend an entire Saturday afternoon with his grandma, even when that someone thinks he’s crossed over to the dark side.

    Gorgeous, gorgeous fic. Matt, and the people who love him best. them0rgue's grasp of details, the trivial minutiae that make up their lives, is what brings these people to life. Perfect, perfect, perfect.
  • Friday Night Lights: Five Things Jason Street Was the First to Say, by hth-the-first ( Jason/Tim/Lyla, R).
    OT3 fic at its finest. With angst-fest that is canon right now, it's a relief to see such an elegant solution to the Jason-Lyla-Tim situation in fic.

  • Friday Night Lights: Cross That Bridge, by poisontaster (Tim/Jason, PG-13).
    I have so much admiration for this fic. It's a drabble, but poisontaster perfectly captures Tim, and his feelings for Jason. Go and give her feedback here.
  • Friday Night Lights: All The Trees of the Field Will Clap Their Hands, by hackthis (Tim, Jason, PG-13).
    Heat and boys swimming and illicit touching, oh my! Tim, Jason and the entire fotball team, trying to cool down between practices. Funny and bittersweet and hot, despite the rating. Oh, my heart.
  • Vid rec, Supernatural: One Week, by ficbyzee (Sam, Dean).
    Brilliant, fun vid of Sam and Dean, their life on the road, and their relationship. The song choice is inspired, and Zee is a genius with the timeline: the quick cuts, the zigzagging narrative and the fast-forward style of the vid make this one of the most technically accomplished vids I've seen in a long time. Go and squee at her, for she is made of awesomecakes.
2. Masi Oka pwns everyone and everything. But then, you all knew that. The man drowned George Clooney! And he's a Brown graduate who can speak fluent Japanese and, seriously, there are little hearts where my eyes should be right now.

3. Speaking of fiendishly cool castmembers of Heroes, Congressman Hotass Petrelli canvassed on the Megan Mullally show. Oh, Adrian Pasdar, marry me. (Warning: this has some spoiler of the most recent episode, apparently. I fast-forwarded through it, but you have been warned.)

4. ...and to round off the set: Save the beef jerky, save the world? Doesn't quite have the same ring to it, but IF YOU SAY SO, MEGAN.

5. Okay, this is now the ANTHEM of slash pairings everywhere. *nod nod* I will it so.

Now, on to more Heroes...

links, recs: vids, heroes, tv, recs, friday night lights

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