Goodbye 2005!!!!
1. What did you do in 2005 that you'd never done before? Got banned from a bar, had a serious relationship with an older man (only 4 years but MEH), and seriously calmed down.
2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year? Didn't make any last year and won't make any this year.
3. Did anyone
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This could not be more true. After this year, I have realized who my real frienda are, and who was in my life for the simple purpose of having fun and nothing more. I'm coming ot terms with the fact that I have to put off Law School for a few years and with all of these other changes, I wouldn't be able to handle anything if it wasn't for the realization that nothing is set in stone and you have to be prepared for anything.
That is a wonderful thing to realize so early in life and you will find so much more happiness when you just take things as they come. It's so much easier to get discourages when you think you have to stay on one course through out life.
I'm very proud of you for all of your accomplishments this year - for having the ability to end things with Justin when you knew it wasn't going to make you happy in the long run, and finding Lance, yet being mature enough to fight for a friendship with Justin because you knew you loved him so much, for keeping you grades up while maintaining a fun college life and creating more memories, for keeping your family so close to you, for the nights of Moulin Rouge and Taboo with your not so drunken friends, haha.
I love you tons and I wish that we could have spent more time together while we lived together. We can thank my not so lovely roomate for making the grand total of might I spent at Edgewood this semester a grand total of three. Ugh.
But anyway, the baby will be here in March, and I'll be at Rowan a lot anyway with Bobby being such a youngin and all, so we'll make up for it this semester.
I love you tons! xoxo
I love you very much and I am very proud of all the sacrifices and growing up you did this year. And the sloppiness is ON for March.
I love you!
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