Ode on Thursday

Sep 24, 2009 13:57

It's been a good week thus far and I hope it continues to be so.  Here's what's happened since Monday.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
  • Got my paycheck.  Feels good to reap the reward of hard work.
  • Immediately paid DirecTV.
  • Downloaded three episodes of the first season of Make Me A Supermodel on iTunes.
  • Went to Best Buy after work and purchased this adapter that allows me to plug in my iPod to my TV so me and mom could watch the Make Me A Supermodel episodes without having to watch them on my computer.
  • Went to Chili's and bought dinner for me and my mom.  We both had their Cajun chicken pasta, so good.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
  • Today we had Staff Meeting.  Bo was picking Mindy up from the airport and Work-David was sick so I was the only guy in the meeting.
  • Amber - the girl who I was hired to fill in for during her maternity leave - came by and officially resigned her position.  It was so incredibly awkward to watch her clean out her office while I was in it and then be the one to carry her box out.
  • Now I don't know if I'll really be taking her place or not.  Nothing's official.  Just waiting on a verdict from the powers-that-be.
  • Bo told me that he had once been considered to replace her but she never left.  I felt he was a tad bit irked that they didn't go through the line of succession when offering the position, which technically hasn't been offered.  I don't know how I feel about all of this.
  • Bo and I ordered from Pizza Hut and it was good.  Pepperoni, onion and peppers on thick crust.
  • Katie, Josh, Jessica, Kristen and I are going to organize a mini-workshop for the pieces we're each planning on submitting to the Meacham Writer's Conference.
  • Went home, had KFC, watched a few episodes of Make Me A Supermodel and then my mom and I watched ANTM.  I knew they were gonna send a black girl whom because three white girls have already gone home.  I was a bit shocked about Lulu but glad because her and Ashley were stirring up trouble in the house.  Now I'm looking at Bianca in a different light.
  • I showered and got in bed to watch the Castle episode that I never got to watch.  Well five minutes into it, David called and I was glad to hear from him.  He's now in Lexington, Massachusetts working for a company.  He seems to like it but like me he's going through this awkward passage between college and adulthood.  He wants me to visit but I'm not so sure about flying.

job, writing, itunes, castle, friends, mmas, work

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