To hell with heaven, your here right now and thats all I need

Aug 08, 2005 23:59

I dk I just have everything figured out for once. I guess all I needed was to talk to the other person who knows me best. Glad I know what I want and how things are going to be, it might be hard later on, but I know things will be chilled and great for now. I don't know it felt sooo good though like to just realize that someone felt the same exact way as me.

I had a random day. Went to go get my hours and turns out I had to work in like 30 seconds lol so it was my first "official day" at PacSun and it sucked. I had no idea what I was doing and they didnt explain ANYTHING but since I'm not a complete moron I kinda made it up and did w/e.

Today was my brother's 15th B-day awww he's getting all grown up tehehe

Me and Alicia had some CRAZY TIMES lol we drove wicked slow in the big ass truck and blasted country lol and went to Wally World and bought some Carona coasters then attempted to do carts at Hannafords, drove around in Franklin, and stopped by Tom's to see the crew. It was deff crazy pissing all the people off lol watch out next time is gonna be insane...

Alicia- "I have to brake my check!"
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