And we were DONE DONE DONE with all the FUCK FUCK FUCKEN around

May 26, 2005 08:19

Wow. Haven't updated in like 300 years. I'm grounded for like 2 weeks so I can't use the phone, computer, go anywhere and my mom took my cell phone. Pretty gay. I'm in the library right now tho so ha. Well for an update my mom basically ruined prom. She like locked my dress and shoes in her car and said I couldn't go and I flipped out and like lost my mind and was twitching and hyperventallating and screaming jibberish on the floor cuz I was sooo upset. The whole thing was pretty gay and then she let me go anyways. AHHHH. Then she grounded me for a week cuz I had yelled at her but she was being wicked gay. Then she grounded me for another week cuz I wouldnt tell her where my cell phone was when she wanted to take it away but it was right there on the charger lol she like ripped apart my room looking for it and me + Liam just stood there laughing cuz the whole thing was rediculous. Driver's Ed got cancelled Tuesday cuz my teacher got sick from eating Market Basket lobster lol. We had Driver's Ed Wensday and a State trooper came in and basically told us how to make all these drugs and where to get them and then showed up a bunch of pictures of dead people who were drinking and driving and who got in car accidents and died. This one lady's body was like twisted 180 degrees around and her brain and like smashedall over the pavement. yummy. I'm supposed to go to Conneticut this weekend but I have a huge ass history project I need to do so I only wanted to go down for like 1 day or something but my mom won't let me drive down with Matt randomly? I'm like "why?" and shes like "Cuz I said so." I have been getting alot of that lately they really have no reason so they just say that even when thats not a legitamite reason at all. I got in a fight with my dad and explained to him how he is a hypocryte cuz he makes all the rules but doesn't follow them and he said "Well I'm an adult and I will do what I want, this is my house!!" and I just sat there and said "That's like the President making the law that you can't kill someone but then he goes and kills like 20 people but says he can't get in trouble cuz he makes the rules but doesn't have to follow them. Your basically being a dictator" and he just said random things and I burned him all the way home cuz he had been drinking and I said "If you got pulled over or in an accident, even if you didn't do anything, you wouldn't pass a breathalizer so way to be a good example ect..." lol he just sat there and I laughed cuz it was sad. It's hard to treat your parents with respect when you know that you are a better person than they are, thats kinda mean but its the plan truth. It would be like a dirty homeless guy telling you what to do randomly when your a A+ student, responsible, ect lol (not that I have anything against homeless people they are pretty hott) but the whole thing is just gay. I'm so depressed about the whole thing, I'm not working for the rest of the week so I don't get to see anyone and I basically just want to kill myself cuz MY LIFE SUCKS SO MUCH RIGHT NOW. It's no one's fault cept basically my parents for being fucken retarded but I really am not feeling like anything matters anymore for real. I can't hang out with any of my friends or Matt and my family its being coke heads. I hope they die. I just want to move out. I would rather be living on the street but my parents would call the cops, make me go to counciling, send me to some mental hospital argh wtf I really just want to fucken die and then that would solve all of my problems. I watched the end of season episode of OC last night. Pretty sad. I <3 the OC. Driver's Ed tonight. woohooo. I'm just going to destroy my brain I decided.

Oh and leave Amanda alone she's an awesome kid and I will kill you people if you dont stop with the stupid shit cuz we're aren't 6 years old anymore people let's try not to act that way. die.
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