May 18, 2005 22:49
Half day.
Made sandwiches all 4th period with Student Council for teacher appreciation day. Yummm. Hung out with Matt after school then he had to go to Concord for an interview at Hessar college so I went home. Ended up eventually hanging out with Brady and David cause Alicia had to work and we drove out on Misery trail. It was wicked bumby with tons of puddles and mud lol deff crazy. We got blazed and then went back to Brady's and Brigit, Sara, and Dane showed up. We all went back to Misery, and got blazed again lol. Poor Dane had to sit in the back and was getting the shit beat outta him when we drove over the huge bumps and through like 5 lakes lol deff crazy and I thought we were going to die but the Jeep held up so it was good. By the time we got back it was pouring and muddy so it was a good time. Chilled out at my house and watched 'Harold and Kumar go to White Castle' so it was fun times.