(no subject)

Jul 25, 2007 18:19

i'm sick. i had a shitty day where everything at work went completely wrong. watched a car burn on the side of I-76 and all the gawkers creepin by hoping to see an engulfed, mangled corpse in the wreckage. it's a fire people, mind your own god damn business and lets get passed the towering inferno before the gas tank ignites and explodes and we're all FUCKED. i had to deal with the insurance company and that lady who's tail light i broke. but with all the little stresses of today i did learn a lesson i kinda already knew but was proven more prevalent today than any other. and that is when sumthing is fucked up, broken, or just doesn't work for you, getting angry only makes the situation worse, nothing gets fixed and you only grow more angry which is probably the most counterproductive thing in the world and i'm guilty of it on a routine basis. but i walked away, sat down, breathed (through my mouth cuz my nose is stuffy), drank powerade and coughed a little and was able to right the situation. granted, i ran into a billion other little problems, but my major malfunction was corrected all because i recognized my asshole-edness and utilized the patience that i do have deep down inside my thick skull. so booyah.

sarah is coming over and bringing me soup for my license to ill. she's the best. no one else would ever do that for me. my dad would just be like, yeah we're gonna have leftovers, or seek and find. it don't matter if i don't feel good. he's certain that just because i'm sick doesn't mean i can't taste and that whatever is on the bottom shelf of the fridge in the tupperware containers is the key to my hunger enlightenment. well ska-rooooooooo that shit. my sexy lady is bringing me a meal that may possibly not only cure me, but be the key to everlasting life. flippin sweet.

ninja turtles!!!
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