Have you earned your soul?

Apr 22, 2012 03:44

You show me a person who says they have “no regrets” and I’ll show you a liar or someone who has never truly risked anything. If you don’t regret the time you’ve wasted, the hearts with which you weren’t cautious, the missed opportunities to show your family your love, and the shots at romance you didn’t take, well then you’re a fucking liar. And if you don’t know what it’s like to doubt everything in your being and still believe that you can bash your head through that wall, well then you never risked anything worth a damn.

I regret so much.

Most of all I regret lost time. Time that could have been spent writing, raging, living, loving, and fucking with so much more ferocity. This is a time sensitive thing you and I have been given - life. By all standards half of mine is gone. And most of that time has been spent waiting for someone to clean the shit out of my diaper and complaining about things that I will likely never change. What’s left here is maybe a good two or three decades until my mind begins to falter and cancer begins to eat my guts.

What I’m trying to say is don’t waste this.

And sure, people say this shit all the time. It’s the theme of so many books, movies, and inspirational quotes. But what they never seem to tell you is how. HOW do we use our time to its greatest potential?

I have spent the rest of my time here holding on to options A while ago, I remember getting seven texts within one hour of girls that wanted to fuck me. Seven. All of varying levels of attractiveness - but I held out. I kept waiting for just one more to text me. I looked into my list of contacts and sent out more texts because I wanted to make sure that I ended up with the best that I possibly could for the evening.

I found myself home, alone, sleeping off the sadness of regret and masturbation. Why? Because I weighed and waited and weighed and waited so long that everyone had moved on for the evening. Odd place to learn a lesson, but truth is, I fucked up. I fucked up staring at all the cards in front of me without ever playing a hand. The lesson was that no one is going to stand around waiting for you to take free sex because there will always be someone out there hungrier, more willing, and more appreciative than you.

So how do we use our time to the greatest potential?

You pick. You stop listing around waiting for someone to hand you free sex and you choose ONE thing, you do it to the best of your ability and you do it to death.

You can’t be a hairstylist and a writer and a soap maker and expect to excel to any person significance with any of them because you’re too busy holding out for one more. That one last text. Not me. Not you.

So to begin - pick. Find it. But be certain. Don’t focus your life’s passion on what someone else picks for you. Or guilts you into. Or persuades you from. Find it. Find it and hold on for your life and weather the storm of criticism and learn to stand with your shoulders squared and your chin raised. Find what moves you and shakes you and gives you a raging hard-on for life. Then do that. Just that. Every day. To the best of your ability. And do it to death. Until you die.

I don’t believe you’re born with a soul.

I believe you find you soul when you figure out your purpose.
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