Heh. Fell asleep to Mallrats last night, which probably means I've seen that movie about 121 times. Gotta love that Kevin Smith rascal. FYI - From what I understand, it'll be safe for people to see Jersey Girl when it comes out; J. No(talent) is only supposed to be in it for ten minutes or so. She's an entirely different rant though, and not the reason I decided to let my fingers fly this go-round.
To quote the great Leon Phelps (watched The Ladies Man last night too):
Talking to a few friends and watching a few movies that dealt with relationships and its complexities led me to this point; enter the he-bitch. What is a he-bitch exactly? When I coined the term originally, circa 1991 and 8th grade, I established that a he-bitch is a man (for lack of a better term) that exhibits all of the same characteristics that would make you call a woman a bitch. Only it's much worse when combined with testosterone and none of the sexiness that women can pull off when in bitch mode.
He-bitches are a truly disturbing trend; I see them more and more every day. Classically, he-bitches are close allies with the infamous green monster, jealousy. They don't have to know you or know anything about you for you to earn their enmity. Like the worst kind of catty woman, a he-bitch can hate another man on sight. The reasons, one might ask? You might be taller than him. Or better-looking. Perhaps dressed better. Maybe you take the time to smile and make small talk where he is socially uncomfortable/inept. The possibilities are endless. Short men have problems of their own but when you add he-bitch status to a guy who isn't quite 5'10'' (that's always been the cut off point for me), you have a different kind of problem. A guy that's five and a half feet tall and weighs less than a woman his height is never going to willingly befriend a guy my size unless it's one of those George and Lenny situations. It's like Darwinism. In the rest of the animal kingdom runts rarely make it into adulthood, unless there's some kind of outstanding talent. Little boys that turn into little men should work on a sense of humor or kind of charm that balances things out. They make terrible he-bitches. Another factor that's non-physical that brings out the worst in he-bitches is women. Not just any kind of woman though; usually sweet, kind, compassionate, naturally submissive kind of women. The kind of woman that should NEVER fall into the hands of a he-bitch because she'll be taken advantage of. My strong, confident, bold and brazen women out there... use up all the he-bitches you want. Get whatever you can out of him, and exploit him, because he's less than a man. Like I said before; Darwinism. But those caring, soft incredible women... beware. He'll take that desire to defer to a man's strength as the thing necessary to control you. He-bitches usually have some kind of resentment to begin with because the aforementioned vixen has gotten a hold of him and wiped her ass with him. As soon as he smells the opportunity to be the dominant force for a change, he'll bite. And he'll like the way it tastes. But that kind of role isn't for everyone. Only few men, I've found, have the mentality and composure for that kind of thing. Some women love to do for their men; to spoil him by keeping a spotless house, by having something hot waiting for him when he comes home, and by serving up the freaknasty in the bedroom. God bless you women. You gotta get something back from that though. All relationships are cyclical; there has to be a steady flow, something that refreshes itself and keeps everything working. A system that's not give and take, but give and give. If he does nothing but dirty up your spotless house while demanding it stay clean, stop. If he complains about the meal you so thoughtfully had ready, or -- heaven forbid -- it's five, ten, or thirty minutes later than usual due to something else you did, stop. If the freaknasty ends up being nothing but you noticing how much lighter the paint on the ceiling is than on the walls for five minutes, stop. He doesn't deserve the things you do for him. Mind you, if it's a 24/7 power exchange -- for the people into that sort of thing -- and you gave all of that to a he-bitch, heaven help you. Slaves and submissives are two different things. A he-bitch isn't going to let you go out every other weekend with your girls because, like I said earlier, he is a jealous creature. Every minute you aren't under his thumb, he's going to worry about what real man you might come across that'll make you see all of his flaws. Any close friends, and they have to be girlfriends because platonic guy friends are out of the question with him, you might only see sparingly. And if you have kids? Forget about it. He-bitches even have the gall to be jealous of your children. "You always put him/her/them first!" Uh... yeah. It's called motherhood? Get a clue.
If you're the kind of girl that is educated, he'll be jealous of that. Had a fairly exciting/dangerous/promiscuous life before him? He's jealous. More sexually experienced? Way jealous. Bisexuality? Watch out. As a note to both men and women, "the number" isn't the kind of thing you should be interested in anyway. It'll always fuck you up without fail, no matter how high or low it might be (hehe, for you people that keep a count). That's another post altogether too. He-bitches are easily avoidable though. Stall them out. Eventually that nice guy act is going to have to fade, and you might even have to purposely bait him into various situations to gauge his reactions to different things. Like I have to tell a woman THAT. Heh. Under pressure most people revert to who they naturally are. Yeah, they might change their moods as often as you change your mind, but who they are most consistently is the real them. Give it some time; don't rush into anything that looks promising in the beginning. Do your research. He-bitches are everywhere these days, and I love my ladies way too much to just sit back and watch your suffering.