Kind of alive. Sort of.
Actually, I might be switching the sketchblog over to tumblr. I dunno. The interface makes it super easy to post stuff like pictures.
Anyways, a lot has happened. Back in Pineapple Land. Been working on all of these the last two weeks since my computer had been dead.
Oh yeah. Kinda NSFW. Slight nudity.
Been working on ATC-sized drawings. I think I will be resuming my WoW Tarot project that I started last year on them, since they are already a handy-dandy card size. Also since I'm going clean on this new drive and I won't be installing any of my torrented/downloaded programs.
Anyhoo, right now I have four that are being worked out. Two of them are redos just to get back into the groove, but two of them are new!
Big drawing in the middle was one I started summer last year, but I ended up putting it away because the idea of inking all the details on the felhound scared me. BUT, I took it out last week and started to work on it, and last night I finally finished! So, now it's just coloring from here on out and it will be fuuuuuuun.