Monthly Word Count - may

Jun 01, 2014 23:51

TOTAL: 16 159



-Girl Genius: On The Matter of Heirs (Agatha/Gil/Tarvek) (1 873 words)
-Gundam Wing: Lone Wolf and Pilot chapter 7 (2 221 words)
-Demon Patrol chapter 22 (1 939 words)

-Gundam Wing: Lone Wolf and Pilot chapter 8 (1 624 words)
-Latula/Mituna/Kankri beach fic (852 words)

Still no teaser for BT mwahahaha but have this little bit of random silliness:

*BT!Dirk seeing Equius for the first time*

TT: Holy crappaloosa. Even his muscles have muscles.
TG: yeah huh hes like a human boulder
TG: only more like an alien boulder instead i guess
TG: shit son i bet he weighs more than you and me combined and its all flesh pistons dedicated to punching power thatd almost be mildly terrifying if either of us ever got terrified
TT: Shit, yes. Daunting.
TT: I have got to figure out if he’s single.
TT: Dirk yes.
TT: I’m totally fanning myself right now. Hubba hubba.
TG: who told you to give me visuals of you trying to climb mount blue alien doom fucks sake bro
TG: i hope you die of a perforated colon you complete asswaffle
TT: Worth it.

Lone Wolf and Pilot chapter 8:

Duo swore Heero would have kept him awake less if he'd been tossing and turning.

Mary had retired to her little wolf cave on the ground floor of the bunk bed a while ago, was dead asleep as far as he could tell. Her person was lying still one floor up, stretched out on his back, a hand tucked under his pillow for the gun. Staring at the ceiling.

Okay, not really, his eyes were closed. Might as well have been staring, though. Duo didn't know if it was because almost everyone else was asleep and therefore quiet, but...

The awareness of too many breaths in the room he felt was a little too sharp to be his. He'd been here for almost four weeks now, after all, and it wasn't like he'd never slept in dorms before, doing his training on cramped, overcrowded Sweeper ship after Sweeper ship.


Killer was stretched out on the floor toward the foot of Duo's own bunk, between the bunk and the wall. He was asleep, but lightly so, ears flicking here and there. Duo counted his breaths up to a hundred and shifted onto his side, leaning on his elbow.

"Do you wanna trade?"

Heero's head pivoted like he was an eagle who'd heard a mouse complaining of being too deliciously fat and slow to run. Duo pinched his lips together to keep from smiling, in case he took it badly.

"Bunks. Do you want the wall? You're the one who was traveling today."

Heero gave him a glare that Duo privately titled 'I'm actually confused but Heero Yuy doesn't do confused so I'm gonna be annoyed instead.'

"You'll be waking up other people soon, buddy. Just saying."

People, or their wolves. Before Mary hid away in her private cave she'd been... Duo wasn't sure why, possibly the queen wolf thing, but she was hugely interesting to just about all the other wolves, who just had to bow to her and lick her chin and all those things.

Which she oddly enough seemed to take in stride! The issue had come mostly from the fact that their humans seemed just as interested in engaging Heero in conversation.

"So where are you from?"

"How long have you and Mary been bonded?"

"Gundam pilot, huh? What have you been doing since the war?"

"If you want, we can tour the building tomorrow, show you around, yeah?"

Heero was alright at faking polite by-rote small talk, but Duo couldn't have missed the twitch of relief in the pack sense when it was time to turn off the lights.

There was a flash of sense-memory -- scratchy button-up shirt (cravat? That's as good as a garrote) as a pack of school students crowded all around him; soft civilians, fighting his way out would be inappropriate, but it itched.

... Huh.

Yeah, it's less stressful when your wolfsib is right there with you, huh, Duo sent, aiming carefully. Started going solo when I was nine, but it never not sucked.

Heero snorted, a quiet puff of breath in the darkened room. He was thinking about how, comparatively, being mobbed by harmless teenage civilians had been worse than by adults carrying weapons, somehow.

Duo got that, though. People who'd received combat training started thinking along the same lines they did. Normal teenagers might as well have been aliens.

You're twisted, Duo teased, and rolled straight over his guardrail to land in a silent crouch between their bunks. Mary's fur rustled against the wooden wall in the absolute black of her little cave. "Hey, Mary, go sleep in Killer's bunk, okay? it's not like he's using it."


Heero's mouth clamped closed, and he glared some more, sitting up halfway on his bunk to scowl down at Duo better. Duo put his hands on his hips and gave him his best shit-eating grin.

Mary lumbered out of the bunk and feathered a half-awake mnh-yes-want-the-safer-den down their spines. Heero's hand fisted in the sheets.

Lat/Mit/Kankri beach fic

Kankri breathes through his nose, frees a hand to pinch the bridge of it. "And I'm to believe that you're ready to undertake such a huge and time consuming project with someone whose company you don't even enjoy?"

"Maybe I fucking do like you when you're not being the lamest turd, Kankri!"

She stares at him for another second, and then as he stands there, a bit stunned, not sure whether to take it badly or not, she breaks eye contact and slumps, looks away. (Look. See. This is what losing patience looks like. This is the first stage of giving up on you.)

(Hadn't they given up long ago though?)

It twists something in his guts seeing her looking smaller. Latula Pyrope should be larger than life twenty-seven hours a day. She doesn't -- (she does.)

"And I kinda-sorta. Thought you were trying, to be, like, maybe not nicer, but fairer? And me and MT, we were like, dang, we can dig that, that's dope, and it's hella hard on your own, so maybe, like..."

He shapes a 'oh' with his mouth that doesn't make it quite out. The waves are still lapping at his knees, it feels stupid to have a conversation like that in a place like this. He wants to leave. He wants to leave and not have it.

She would never touch him again.

(Neither of them would.)

"Like?" he makes himself repeat, too late not to be awkward, too much silence in between, and then he thinks it sounded like he was mocking her maybe, too much stress on the--

"Like maybe you wanted to talk too, I mean talk not lecture, only you didn't know how. So hey, I'm cool with taking the first step, like, I ain't gonna walk the whole way for you but, help you walk it? If that's where you wanted to go, oh hell, I hate having to explain those things, they never make as much sense outta my mouth as they do in my guts."

She looks so awkward, his mouth twitches up. He pinches it. He didn't mean to smile. Stupid body.

monthly word count: 2014

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