It's been a year already? :O

Jan 09, 2013 17:47

Come write Psychic Wolves for Lupercalia - A Multi-Fandom Mini-Fest, February Thirteenth through Fifteenth!

Bluh. Why do none of my fandoms fit with telepathic wolves. I tried to come up with something for Stargate Atlantis but the only thing I managed to visualize was episode one with added wolfsister who is actually not quite John Sheppard's but used to be the sister of that guy he tried to rescue who died on him instead. And she changes NOTHING, which means this is not a good fic idea, and I don't want any longer, more divergent fic because, uh, because maybe it's a sign that I should update the Gundam Wing one I started last year faster instead. .__.;

But if someone wanted to write SGA/SG1 with wolves I would be so happy. SO. HAPPY. The happiest.

whine, pimp, shiny: speshul pets

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