frrgh. computer problems.

Mar 14, 2010 23:18

Recently I've been having some troubles with LJ. figured, ehh, they were making updates, there was annoyance at stuff they'd recently put in their code that was full of malware and they had to take it out or something like that, the problems would pass.

Today I realized apparently the problems are just in internet explorer 7, not firefox, so... what?

Asked the friends I had in arm's reach today and as far as I know, it's only me. I have NO idea what happened, how widespread, and what to do to fix it. (don't say "switch to firefox! :D" or some other browser, that's not acceptable.)

Problems: it won't show me my icons when I'm making a post, just a drop down menu; it won't auto-complete my tags, I have to type them all in by hand; it won't unfold comment threads; when I want to make a comment visible instead of clicking one thing I have to go to a different page asking me if I'm sure and then a second page telling me it's done and then back to the original post -- etcetera.

So if they're known problems, where are they discussed? It's not in Known Issues and I don't know where else to look. Anyone got links? And if they're not, um, shit. What now. ~___~

(also, chibirisuchan, I owe you an OC pic for last time. I remember! U.U)

in other news I've been watching Durarara, and it's... kinda weird, a little all over the place at first (starts out more like a collection of stories about an ensemble cast than one plot) and slow to get moving, but the characters are really fun (kinda over the top but in a hilarious and quite shiny way) and OOOOOO episode ten, prrt prrt. I like it. ^^

whine, real life, pimp

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