omg...that's so sad. I don't think you're bad at playing matchmaker. I just think I'm not meant for dating. I just need to stay least for a while. It's not your fault we didn't work out. We WERE happy for a while. It just didn't work. You always mean well. :-) You're a good reindeer! hehe
I totally missed the last part LOL!...but I read the part where it said u caused so much drama all the toher reindeer aren't speaking to eachother or w/e...and that's what I meant by saying I think you're a good matchmaker and all.
lol...that was from me, Joy. I thought I was signed in, I guess not. And..I jsut went back and read the cupid thing...and I don't know what I was talking about. I think I just completely misread it. I thought it was saying like bad stuff about you, and that why I said "omg, that's so sad" lol...maybe I dind't understand what knack wow. haha!
No, drama would be there whether you were a part of it or not. I'm kinda glad all the drama happened with me helped me realize a lot of things...and it actually made me better friends with most people. :-) I'm really happy the way things turned out.
<3 Joy
What do you mean a bad match maker?
It said I have a knack for it, meaning I'm good at it.
We all make mistakes.
But, thank you. I think I'm a pretty good reindeer myself.
But, I do cause drama. =/
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