Mr. McKaig.. is such a homo. I cannot believe how snappy he is with me lately. He totally snapped at me like a… snapping turtle. GRR.
(A HOMOSEXUAL snapping turtle, I must add)
So. I forget my binder in my locker, right? I go to Mr. McKaig & ask if I can go to my locker. He looks at me, smiles, and says, “No.”
I’m like, “Uhh, why?” & he goes, “I have accommodated your needs enough
in the past few days.”
Just to clear the air. 1) I haven’t even been there the past few days. 2) WTF? Isn’t a teacher’s job to accommodate their students?
(If I was even there.. which I wasn’t.)
I go, "Mr. McKaig" because he was looking down and he said, "Elisabeth, you're acting like a 3 year old kid with snot coming out of their nose pulling on a teacher's skirt getting their attention. Now put your DAMN hand up and wait for me to call on you"
His face turned so vibrant red he was SO mad at me.
WTF. I'm seriously going to bust a cap on him next time he sasses me like I am a 3 year old with snot in my nose.
(What a stupid comparison)
I have totally been following my pre-new year’s resolution so wonderfully. If you don't know what it is, shame on you.
& I totally have a WORLD HISTORY exam tomorrow.
Other then his royal gayness messing up my day.. Nothing else happened that would interest anybody. Other then me making gingerbread men.
By the way, my ginger man turned out morbidly obese & now he’ll have other gingerbread men peer-pressuring him into losing… flour?
So much drama in the cookie world!
…But mine is totally the only one to have gumdrop buttons.
There’s this kid in Church, right?
He’s sitting there and feeling nauseas.
So he says to his mom, “I’m going to puke.”
She says, “Alright, get up quietly, RUN outside as quick as you can, puke in the bushes because nobody will see you, and come back.”
So the kid quietly gets up, and RUNS away.
About 10 seconds later, he returns.
His mom whispers, “Wow. That was REALLY quick. Did you make it to the bushes?”
And he says, “Ha, even better! I didn’t have to go that far, right by the door is a basket with a sign that says ‘For the Sick’!!!”