Oct 28, 2005 22:20
Well, if you're looking for witty remarks, or Broadway one liners to explain life, stop the presses cause I'm all out right now. My Lola (tagalog for Grandmother) passed away tonight. She was complaining of chest pains this morning, so they took her to the hospital. One physician said that she was fine and they were about to let her go. Then, another physician said that they wanted her to stay overnight just to be safe. By Tito (tagalog for uncle) was taking Lolo home when he got the call. Lola had gone to the bathroom, and the nurses found her on the floor in the bathroom when they couldn't find her while making their usual rounds. We think it was from a heart attack. It was so sudden. It was a great shock. Nothing was wrong, just out of the blue, it happened today.
All day today I felt unexplainably strange. I felt like there was something wierd that was going to happen. I also felt like there would be something preventing me from talking to Amanda tonight. Well, when I got home from work, I text messaged Amanda that I'd call her when I get a chance b/c of what just happened. My dad called me a 7:45, I was still in the middle of closing up the store and he told me to come home quickly right after work. I said "Why? Is everything ok?" and he said "No, not really" in a solemn tone, not wanting me to hear it over the phone. Being my normal panicky self, I spend the last half hour going through every possible scenario that could have happened. When I got home, everyone was sad, and my mom was crying (it was her mom, if you didn't get that by now). She explained to me what had happened and we all comforted each other.
She died alone. That was one point that Mom lamented on. She made us kids promise that God forbid one of us ends up in a hospital, that we will never leave them alone. She seemed very fightened by the fact that Lola passed away alone. Lola never liked hospitals, and whenever she had to have an operation or something done, she always wanted my mom there, and for the big operations she was there. But not this time.
If there's one thing that I want you all to get from this entry, its this point. Sometimes we take life for granted, and dont fully comprehend that it can be taken away from us at any moment. We also grow older and move on to bigger and better things. The big vibe that I keep hearing from you, Lizzie, Hillary, and Michelle, is that you can't wait to get out of high school. And that's good; you should be excited for your future. But just promise me this: relish every moment that you have left, because one day, you'll regret not making this year the best it can, and you'll be wishing for these days back, one last musical, one last open lunch, one last orchestra concert, one more last pretzel being shoved down your shirt.
When you all are gone next year, I'll miss the open lunches, and the pit get togethers, and the Phantom-ing, and the picture taking of condos, and everything else. I'll miss you all, and I miss Jenna, an insurmountable amount. Having you guys to talk to is what keeps me sane in this crazy world we live in. When we're older and have kids of our own writing these journals, think of us, and the good times we had. But, most of all:
Never forget each other, never forget what you mean to each other, and never forget the impact that each of you had on each others lives.
Thank you, and good night Chicago.