announced the
CPAN Ratings site on use.perl. Lots of comments and suggestions there. More importantly, lots of good reviews. I'm grateful to everyone who contributed already. There are a couple of really, eh, "odd" reviews as well. Hopefully adding the "was this review helpful?" feature will help filter those out. Oh, and I
added the links to the installation instructions right over the TODO list. Hint hint.
A Huge and Terrible Mess - Al Gore in a great speech to MoveOn.org. "Something basic has gone wrong in our country".
Ben & Mena
Six Apart put
TypePad into "preview release". I've been playing with it since the beta test (alpha? I forget) and I must say it's very very cool. And so pretty. They gave beta testers 20 "lifetime 20% discount codes". If I didn't already have plenty of servers and a nicely working slightly hacked MovableType installation I'd so be there.
Experimenting in groups, the quiet voices. How do you get the quiet people to participate more on your mailing list? How do you "make more room"? I'm not sure his ideas will apply as well to technical lists as they might to social lists, but the thoughts are very refreshing. (via
Ben Hyde)
Ben also linked to an old article about an
insanely stupid law in Florida. Really #$%#'ing disgusting. And Sad.
Alex Shaffer writes about a few similar stories.
Comic Disbelief and
Smut Patrol. Stories like that were more amusing when I was in Europe and could just laugh at the crazy Americans at a distance. Instead adding depressive links about the patriot act I'll send you to Alex's
free fashion advice for ladies.
A link to the
Guide to the Logical Fallacies is always nice. Slightly related and even more useful:
Getting Past No (how to get your opponent to work with you) which is the followup to
Getting to Yes ("Focus on Interets, not positions"). Both books are short and sweet. Very worthwhile.
Speaking of short and sweet. Almost two years ago I bought
Shopgirl and I still remember it as very fun and enjoyable. Steve Martin is making it
into a movie now, with Claire Danes staring as Mirabelle.
Ben also
links to the
tricolor salvage site. Bloody amazing. Some big container ship sank last year. It was on shallow water and ships were sailing into it, so now they
sliced it up(!) to salvage it. (
and photos).
Confessions of a Baggage Screener (elbows deep in underwear). See also
Confessions of a Car Salesman.
OneStat.com says that MSIE
has a 95% market share. I'm happy to report that it's less than 60% at
people around me on friendster - I wanted to make something like this; it looks very neat.
Camera phones are getting a bad rep because people worry that they can be smuggled into places where photography isn't allowed. Some weeks ago a 15 year old
used his cell phone camera against a guy who tried to abduct him and got the abductor
arrested As you might have seen Mark Frauenfelder and family
moved to the South Pacific for a year. Now they
found a house.
BBC proves that there is
No Loch Ness Monster. At least we still have
Sandy Claws!