This is for staso...please bring the cooler back!!!
Dear Ms. Litwin,
Thank you for contacting us about the availability of Cactus Cooler. Your comments and inquiries are appreciated because they give us valuable input regarding our brands and their availability.
We regret that you are unable to find the product in your area and suggest that you contact your local bottler to express your desire that they carry it.
Your local bottler information is:
Pepsi Cola West
In addition, you might also speak to the retailers in your area and request they carry the product in their stores.
Again, we regret the inconvenience this has caused you. We value your patronage and we hope you will continue to enjoy our soft drinks.
Consumer Relations
-----Original Message-----
klitwin@gmail.comSent: 2/22/2005 4:43:54 PM
crwebform@dpsu.comSubject: DP General Questions/Feedback
Comments: Please sell cactus cooler in northern CA. All my friends and I stock up on 12 packs of the soda when we are down in Los Angeles, but it would be great if you sold it up here. thanks for your time!