Our Infinite Struggle, The diary of Mige Amour.

Jan 07, 2007 05:34

Our Infinite Struggle
The Diary Of Mige Amour.

This is the 2nd journal I’ve ever kept and I didn’t even finish the 1st, he-he I actually lost it while moving in with Linde. Well I guess I’ll start with yesterday.

January 21st, 2005.
I awoke in a daze. I had no recollection of the previous night. All I knew was that I must have been drinking, because I have a hangover that could light up the entire city of Toledo. I reached over for my watch to check the time, it wasn’t there. I now looked over at the nightstand, it wasn’t mine. I got up and looked around the room, it seemed very familiar, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. I looked once again at the nightstand; there was a letter on it. I’m not usually one to snoop but if I had to I will, so I did. It gave me no information at all it was addressed to “Dude.”. So I re-read it, half-way through the third page I was startled by a voice. I turned around only to discover Ville standing in the doorway.

“So, you decided to join the living?” He asked before lighting another cigarette and sitting down on the bed.

“Yeah I guess. What did we do last night?” I was now looking for my watch.

“We drank. What else is there to do? Oh wait yeah, you did the numa-numa dance. That was hilarious, well at least until you finally passed out.” Ville said laughing to himself.

I was to busy looking for my watch to answer him.

“It’s on your wrist.” Ville said calmly.

“What is?” I look down at my wrist. My watch. “ Thanks.”

“No problem. You must be hungry, come on I’m over-stocked on cereal. And I’m sure as hell not gonna eat it all by myself.”

“You go ahead, I’ll be there in a minute.”

Ville left and I lay back down and closed my eyes as sleep took over.

January 22nd, 2005.
”Bam , I’m not in the mood for Monopoly, go ask Linde.” I said to the blue-eyed skater begging me to play with him. He didn’t leave, he just sat there at foot of my bed staring at me. The silence was deafening. “Stop staring at me and go. I want to go back to sleep, it’s bad enough that you woke me up at….” I look over at the clock.”4:30 in the morning to play Monopoly.”

“Fine, be that way.” Bam said before bouncing away.

Well, that’s all I have time for. Linde and I have to pick up Ville , Bas and Burton for a show. I’ll write more tomorrow.

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