May 16, 2012 08:10

I'm usually really good with stuff like this, but I had a realllly hectic week, I'm sick, I have a pulled muscle in my back, dealing with the schizo partner, bla bla bla.

Long story short, I take the birth control pill, and I totally just blanked out and started taking the hormonal 1st week, instead of the sugar pills, to allow for my period to come.

Now technically my period would be due today/tomorrowish, but I just forced delayed it by accident because I continued to take my hormonal pills.

I guess my question is: Should I just keep taking the hormonal pills and skip my period this month? Or should I stop midweek (today) and let my period come (though it will now be late)

I have surgery scheduled in the end of June or July and they need to make sure I'm not preg, so I feel like I'd be more at ease seeing a period.

UGG! I'm never this dumb...

birth control & contraceptives, female plumbing issues

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