Boyfriend eats like a slob!

Feb 06, 2010 04:03

I have been dating this guy since September. There is one thing I have tried very hard to get over but it is a dealbreaker for me and a very BIG pet peeve: I cant stand people that eat like slobs. I have never had this problem with anyone else I have ever met except for him. He is atrocious. He smacks loudly while eating, shovels his food, holds his fork like a 5 year old (he is left handed but its no excuse, I can eat just fine with my left hand, holding my fork normally, and I am right handed.)

I reached the point where I could deal no longer and approached him about it calmly, stating that it was a very big pet peeve, dealbreaker and if he could try to change it. He said he would. I asked him if anyone ever said anything to him and he said no, which boggled my mind. My friends all tell me how gross he is when he eats, which embarrassed me, and propelled me to talk to him about it. I told him that I couldnt deal with it anymore and my friends were telling me it was gross so I said something needed to change.

So, he has not changed anything and I talked to him a month ago. One night he was smacking loudly and I said "quit smacking" and he blew up at me. After that I havent said anything to him about it and have just suffered in silence. He makes no effort and whenever I say something he gets mad at me.

My parents think Im being a huge bitch about it and shouldnt be saying anything, my friends agree with me and thinks he eats horribly and needs to change. I have no clue what to do! I talk to him nicely, he says he will change but doesnt, and when I point it out to him he blows up. I dont know how to handle it at this point but it bothers me down to my core, like hearing the sound that you hate over and over again.

I wish it didnt bother me so much but it does. Any advice here on out? Thanks!

flagrant rule violation, warning: user may be stupid, an exercise in tact and diplomacy, lurk more, the answer is in the question, dating & relationships, failed forays into grammar, common sense is rarely common, you are the problem, fail, i can't take criticism

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