Why is this even a problem?

Mar 16, 2009 13:04


I'm sure many of us have these really strange little chronic annoyances or problems that spring from strange places. They're the kinds of things you probably don't want to admit in public, but sort of want to because you're sure that at least one other person in the world shares this problem and could empathize.

For example. My biggest, "I can't believe I have this problem" problem:

Every day, I have an orange for breakfast at work. Because I don't want to carry an extra piece of cutlery around, and because I know where my pocket knife has been, I always keep one of my two thumbnails long enough to slice through the rind so I can peel my orange. I'm a bad, bad nail biter, so half the time, my left thumbnail is long, half the time my right thumbnail is long. I also wear soft contact lenses, and have dry eyes, so removing my contacts involves me having to dislodge the lens with my right index finger, and then pinch it between my finger and thumb. When it's "long right-thumbnail" week, popping out the right contact isn't bad, but getting at the left one, I always slightly scrape my eyeball and I'm afraid that some day I'm really going to scratch my eye bad.

Totally pathetic, right? You're all sitting there wondering, "Seriously, Eric. Why do you waste synaptic space worrying about this?"

So, share. What completely pathetic and very likely unique to you and you alone problem do you have?

what about you?

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