(no subject)

Feb 04, 2009 13:26

Right, I've built the list of people who can tag, a bunch of you should now have that ability. You'll see "add tag" options against entries if you're on the list. If you're not on the list, then maybe later...

In the meantime, in the spirit of being open and transparent, I've created ama_modlog. Every time a post is deleted or a user is banned, it gets automatically reported here, along with who actually did that.

Now isn't that nice and fair?

People who can delete and ban etc. are:

absenteeshe, bobbert_, cellardor, crassy, davedowns, dewdropsonrosa, directordale, embodyment, excessinfinity, fortuna_juvat, hobo_bebop, icklecarriekins, ink_smear, ionracas, lovelychickadee, marijuanakills, nafrate, nanini, neko, no_faltering, phoinos, rediscover_me, sdx, shy, starthieving, sundry_pieces, thatsevenbetter, thedastardfunk, thewebmistress, tma, unknownj, wishing_wounds, xtrustisyoursx, zenokarasu

mod post, meta, worth reading

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