I've been Skinned

Jun 27, 2009 16:15

I've been Skinned. It could have been worse; I could have been Boned.

Well, actually I've been Skinned and Muscled, but that doesn't sound nearly as funny.

After quite a bit of tinkering, I was able to recalibrate Owen's Boner -- I'm sorry, I simply can not use that name for it! I recalibrated the Bone Setter to knit the skin and muscle in my wounded leg. Spending Thursday night stumping around the Plass, trying to patrol for the Master with a very large gun while on crutches, made me realise that Torchwood has far too few active agents to allow me to be on limited duty. I must be able to funtion at my full capacity. Torchwood must be READY!

Insinuations that I merely want to be healed so I can look good for the documentary celebration on the 1st are spurious and mean-spirited however true they may be.

physician heal thyself

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