Current Projects Update

Jun 24, 2009 18:02

Well, that went... pretty horribly, actually.

This was going to be my usual project update, but, um, I've had to stitch my own leg and give myself a tetnus shot and I'm kind of woozy from the pain meds. I DIDN'T KNOW WEEVILS ARE PEOPLE! I NEVER would have tested an untried batch of retcon on Weevils if I'd known!

This is so very bad. Maybe not as bad as I originally thought -- not Tuskegee bad, certainly not Mengele bad! -- but ignorance is NO excuse for what I did. I should have done many more cognitive tests on the Weevils before I let my teammates convince me that they weren't sapient beings. I can't believe Owen didn't do it a long time ago! ...oh, all right, yes, I can believe Owen didn't do it. But it's still no excuse! I have to take responsibility for my own actions.

On the other hand, so should Janet! I went down there to apologise and give her blankets and make sure she was all right and she tried to eat me! That was extremely rude, if you ask me. I may have done wrong by Weevil-kind, but I was trying to make reparations and two wrongs do NOT make a right!

I'm really, really not looking forward to giving myself a rabies series. I know it's been eradicated in England, and of course I thoroughly disinfected the wound site, but with Weevils you never can tell, can you? I've learned that the hard way. I don't even know where I can get rabies vaccine and immune globulin in England! I certainly don't want to ask NHS because there'll be a huge bloody ruckus about it and possibly a public panic. I'll probably have to contact UNIT and even then there will be inquiries and paperwork and -- ugh. I'm exhausted just from thinking about it.

... and from the Percocet, to be honest.

I do have projects to update, I really do! But I'll do that later...

oh, but -- I don't know if this counts as a project, does this count as a project? John brushed his teeth all by himself this morning! He also ate a whole tube of toothpaste, but still! I'm very proud of my sweet honey boy...

Um... I think I'd better lie down now...

aliens are people too, bloody torchwood, physician heal thyself, current projects, john is not a pig

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