Jack, I've finished processing the new intel I weasled out of UNIT on the Doctor's recent visit to London. (I told you I had a reason to get dressed.) (This would have taken less time if you didn't keep -- well, you know.)
Later-Doctor, if you're reading this, you know what I'm talking about. You can look.
Here is what I've gleaned from the footage and documentation:
-- UNIT did not call us because, and I quote, "You can't shoot a giant hole in reality in the face." Shows what they know.
-- Remember that Malcolm guy who kept pestering us for our intel on the Doctor? Apparently he saved the day. We could steal him from UNIT to be our new tech, but he seems like he (unintentionally) blows stuff up more than Tosh did.
-- The Doctor is still looking fine. Apparently also still licks everything he comes across.
-- They are sending us, and again, quoting, "A giant toothy metal flying stingray (dead, we think)." I don't know what they expect us to do with it.
-- An all-points lookout has been issued for a flying red bus, Number 200. Apparently it's stolen. Last sighted over the Severn so it might be coming this way.
-- Apparently there was a prophecy of doom. I'll file it with the others.
-- London: still dangerous and horrible.
In all, not a bad day's work for UNIT, but I feel we could have done the job with, if not more firepower, then at least more flair.