We have got the report in on time, it worked, and Jack is almost not pissed off at me anymore. Meantime, I have swiped his Pimm's and gotten pissed. BECAUSE. The report thing. Is done! And tomorrow I'm going to have to clean up the archives Jack destroyed looking for the stuff. Recipes. Receipts!
There was Chinese food too. Fried things, in sauce. And prawn crackers for Gwen. And things on sticks for Hart. And other things on bigger sticks for Jack (you know why). And another receipt.
OH YES AND someone bought me paid time. Thank you! I have put it to good use per Torchwood standards and uploaded
photos of my dog. I intend to make a poll as soon as I find something I require the general population's opinion on. CONSIDER THIS YOUR RECEIPT.
Gwen says I have to do a meme. Go on then, ask me anything. We've established I know everything. But no top-secret nonsense or I won't tell you. An Aura of Mystery! That's Torchwood. And sex. Mystery and sex. And sandwiches. And beagles.
No, we'll stick with mystery and sex. And Pimm's.