HB's b-day

Oct 02, 2005 23:31

Today is Sunday and it's God's day. Apparently. Lots of people were out and about being all dressed up going to church confessing things they're really not that sorry for. People who have fishes on their cars, please drive faster. At least the speed limit, that would be fantastic, thanks. Jesus... fish.

HB's birthday was today. I stopped by this fancy bakery today... and it was closed. Why are bakeries closed on Sundays? Don't people need the body of Christ or something?

Over at Mr. Ed's right now. He's watching football. It's odd, but nice having a guy around who watches football or sports in general. The Redskins won today in OT, that's all I really care about. There's a kid named Jason on my team and he's a Cowboys fan, um ew. He's actually a very nice guy.

Overall had a pretty laid back weekend. Went shopping with Mr. Ed. Fed him some hay. Ya know the deal. Ooh kinky, or gross. Anyway, he bought way more clothing than I did. The whole loss of pot is not so positive for me. I talked to Leslie today and told her and she's like you little shit. I told her I didn't really like it. My clothes don't fit, yeah yeah I've been wearing some of the same stuff since 10th grade, but I love some of those damn shirts and I haven't grown. Anyway, I try on stuff now and I have to go a size smaller and it just bothers me. I know I shouldn't be complaining, but I'm really not at the point where I can go on a mini yay I lost 10lbs shopping spree. Gay, highly homosexual. Maybe I don't like weighing less because I perceive myself as being much taller than I actually am, so if I lose weight I lose... height? Nah that doesn't make sense. I'd just like to fit in my clothes and not look like my freshman year roommate after she decided puking was cool.

After talking with Leslie about her and Derick I'm just really happy for them. I wasn't so sure at first, but I'm confident with it now, not that I really have any say. Sounds like she's just happy with life and Derick's keeping up with her and keeping her happy. I don't like it when people are in relationships and their soul joys in life are from their significant other. It's essentially like watching hundreds of couples doing PDAs. Oof. Mr. Ed does make me happy and I really enjoy his company, but he's not my soul joy in life and I'd never want him to be. We went to the Chameleon on Saturday. That was cool. Saw my kinda boss there, actually got to sit and talk with her for a little so that went well. Things are just going really well. I can't really complain. I know I CAN, but I'll restrain myself for right now.

Hope everyone has a great week.
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