Kev, if you're watching... I thought of you.

Jan 06, 2008 17:59

So I've been watching a lot of 'Supernatural' lately.

Well, to be more specific: Jeri, Viv and I are slowly making our way through the seasons that are out on DVD, which are one and two. We've actually finished One (Hallelujah!) and are in the beginning episodes of Two.

But, we're addicted, right? So, in between watching the episodes we haven't seen yet (because we have to watch as a group, ya know?) We watch ones we HAVE seen, to sate our desire for Jensen Ackles... I mean Supernatural!

So yesterday, (And I swear, Kev, I'm getting to the part where I thought of you in like... this paragraph, I swear!) Jeri and I are boxing up some of her stuff for storage and we have some Supernatural going on in the background, right? And it hits me. This show? It's CoC. (See, Kev, this is where you come in.) Srsly. The formula is there, man! The brothers hear about some sort of odd/mysterious happening, then they research the happening/area/history and THEN! they confront said oddness. I was like 'Omg, I gotta tell Kev!' :D

So, Kev, man... if you and Lisa haven't seen this show, you should, like, rent it or something. And I think you'll like it just for all the references to classic horror films. I, who hasn't actually seen those, or not many of them anyway, finds the show to be a nice, mellow introduction to the horror genre. Season one is fairly mild, although still made me jump and cringe because I'm a wimp and a girl, Season two is way scarier already! srsly. I was doing the thing where you put your hand over your face and then peek at the screen through your fingers.

Anyways, so I thought of you, Kev, and of the ever lovely CoC.

edit: I am such a MU*er. I just had to come back and edit this post because everytime I wrote the word 'seen', I spelled it 'scene'. Oi. XD

games, supernatural

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