one thing i regret is not learning the recipes of people who have passed away. ma's half-sister made the yummiest empanadas, but she passed away due to breast CA years ago, and took her empanadas with her. i guess i can attempt to make them, but i don't because of the lack of a deep fryer.
my dad's mom was another fantastic cook! i miss her tokwa't baboy and pancit orani. sayang, never learned how to make her pancit. i never even as much as watched her make it! all i was good at was eating. :P
i remember when i was, i dunno, 12? 14? i baked my lola a cake and the icing was so terrible it was sliding off the sides and pooling at the bottom of the plate! i have a photo of that disastrous cake somewhere.
but i digress.
i will always remember lola for her leche flan. the secret is really the dayap, which i learned very recently, is lime. it's because of her that i like my leche flan butas-butas and not creamy, which is exactly how i make mine:
i tried it before with 1 can evap, 1 can condensed too, and it was ok, but carabao's milk beats them all! these are my current proportions:
1 can condensed milk
1 1/2 c carabao's milk (i just try to match the 370mL of 1 can evap)
4 egg whites + 6 eggyolks
grated dayap rind (or in the absence of dayap, some other citrus fruit. i haven't tried lemon yet, but satsuma works pretty well)
i'm posting this here for posterity, because soon i know i'll forget this, hehe. i just dump everything into a container and mix vigorously because more air = more bubbles! yay! i let the dayap sit for however long it takes me to caramelize the sugar in the pans, then i pour the mixture through a sieve to get the rind out.
the first time i made leche flan, i used cheesecloth to strain the rind out and i made the mistake of squeezing the cheesecloth so as to extract more dayap flavor. the flan ended up really REALLY bitter. blech!
next thing i'll do is try it with goat's milk. i wonder how that'd come out. :)