Comment on this post. I will choose five userpics from your profile and you will explain what they mean and why you are using them. Post this along with your answers in your own journal so others can play along.
For Johnny--
Okay, so... let's face it. I picked Rachel Leigh Cook from the Josie and the Pussycats movie to be Tab's PB. The only problem with this is that it's hard to always crop the stills to cut out the ears and/or get decent caps of her without them. This scene where she's fixing Alan M's truck is just awesome though because of the cute expressions and stuff. But this particular icon is her "sexy" icon. Obligatory cleavage shot while looking mildly interested in whatever Alan M (and now anyone she plays up against) was saying. So I use this when Tab's boobs need to make an appearance.
Happy water! The keywords that pretty much say it like it is... I just kind of like it because she looks happy and the angle's vaguely interesting. Also shows that Tab needs to keep hydrated... Okay, I really have no good reason why this one's in here except for the fact that again - she's smiling and doesn't have the pussycat ears on.
This is one of my favourites, actually. Tab writes her own songs, so it's nice to have a shot of her with an acoustic guitar and writing down what she's working on. Plus it shows she's left handed, so woo! She plays guitar right handed, but writes with her left. It's a topsy turvy world. I usually use it when Tab's being reflective, or it's a personal prompt piece. Don't ask about the kitten, okay? Let's just say Tab was kitty sitting for the neighbour...
Ah yes, Tab's default userpic and the first icon I made her. I like this one why? Because it shows she's a rock chick! She can scream and get angry with the best of them. I try not to use it in plays, but if I'm logged into another journal and can't be bothered switching, it does make the occasional appearance. I just like the effort that's going into the "singing". (Come on, we all know RLC was miming)
Ye olde record store icon. Used to show that Tab does in fact earn a wage, and get paid for hanging out in a record store all day. I also use it to show Tab's tiny, and therefore has to concentrate like whoa while carrying a stack of CDs. Plus the colours are pretty.
This just reminded me I should make an OOC icon.