I keep forgetting I've changed my layout so every time I check my friends page I get a little confused
In other news
My dad has started talking to me again. I'm afraid if I ask him what the weeks of silence were about, he'll clam up and it'll start all over
Toot was only a temporary replacement in Mens. I didn't overreact, though. Because, that
speech about hiring from within for full-time positions before hiring an outside person was bull shit. They hired some entirely new person for the open position. So I'm still pissed. She's cool. Mostly frazzled because everyone is hating on her. Leo had been working there for ten years and, after having discovered he has diabetes and our place of work not supplying insurance, has already lost his house. So now he and his wife have one job to support their four kids. Douches. Like, it sucks he lost his job, I'm happy she got a job, I'm pissed I don't have it. I still don't understand what happened. And every time I think about it I become unreasonably enraged so I'm gonna stop |seethes.anyway|
I finished putting the wallpaper border up on my walls and, wow, it's two inches short. Shit, yo. I'm sure I would have been less annoyed if it had been two feet instead. But two inches? For real? I'm also randomly in the market for movie posters. Specifically the live-action Death Note, Iron Man 2, Hit Girl, and Blade. You'd think Iron Man 2 would be easier to find, what with it being kind of a big deal and all, but no. I found Death Note on eBay but that feels like an ass pain I don't need. The local Spencer's has Hit Girl for eight bucks which is totally rad. And Blade is too old for anyone other than eBay to give a shit about
I really wanted to see The Losers but Zoe Saldana is starting to make my skin crawl, so I can't. There's still Nightmare on Elm Street this week and Iron Man Dos next. Last Tuesday I invited a coworker out to the movies (Kick Ass) and it was totally awesome. I'm trying to be more sociable. Then she invited me to Busch Gardens. So I guess it's working! Then I bought The Girl Who Stole My Position lunch because she didn't have any money. So she treated me to IHoP Friday night. She invited me out to a club but I said "lulz, no". Still, it felt nice that I was invited out by not one but TWO people. And then ANOTHER coworker invited me to a Hanson concert. I don't know why she thought I'd be interested, but I said yes anyway |shrug| There are a pair of
sixty-five dollar pants I really really really really really want but that's kind of massively out of my price range. And... oh yeah
I've decided >.O not to go back to school for a an AAS in Administrative Support Technologies (fancy way of saying Secretary) but for Cheffery instead. I'm gonna do it. None of those classes are offered at the Portsmouth campus. The Norfolk Campus is a pain in the ass to get to, so I'm making the fact I was passed up for a full-time position work to my benefit. Once I go back to school I can stop paying back this loan and I'll have a little more money to myself each check. But I'll also be putting money into my savings account so I can apply for a credit card through the credit union I'm a member of. It's a card specifically for rebuilding shitty credit. My limit will be whatever is in my savings account. The minimum is five hundred dollars, so... I guess I'll be having about the same amount of money out of each check anyway. Ugh
And... that's it? Whatever